Alabama Communication Association Constitution and Bylaws

Alabama Communication Association Constitution and Bylaws



The name of the organization shall be the Alabama Communication Association, hereafter referred to as ACA.

ARTICLE II: Purpose.

Section 1.

ACA is a scholarly organization that works to increase the status of communication scholarship and practice in the state of Alabama and the surrounding regions. ACA also engages current and future scholars by providing opportunities for networking with other Alabama communication scholars and professionals. ACA provides opportunities to present and publish scholarly work through annual convention and publications.

Section 2.

ACA is a non-profit organization which exists for educational purposes only. No part of the Association’s income may be used for the private benefit of any individual group.

ARTICLE III: Membership.

Section 1.

Membership in ACA shall be open upon application and payment of dues to any person interested in promoting ACA’s purpose.

Section 2.

Student membership shall be open to individuals enrolled as graduate or undergraduate students at a college or university at the time they pay their dues.

Section 3.

The membership year shall begin January 1 and end December 31 of that year.

ARTICLE IV: Executive Committee.

Section 1:

The voting officers of ACA shall be a President, Vice President, Vice President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Executive Director, Secretary, and Journal Editor(s). These officers shall function collectively as the Executive Committee of ACA.

Section 2:

The terms of office of the Immediate Past President, President, Vice President, and Vice President-Elect shall be one year. The Immediate Past President shall serve in that role for one year following the expiration of that person’s term as President. The Vice President shall automatically succeed to the office of the President upon the expiration of the President’s term of office. The Vice President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of Vice President at the expiration of the Vice President’s term of office. The Secretary shall serve for a period of two years. The Executive Director shall serve for a period of four years (one year of shadowing, two years of service, and one year of being shadowed).  Journal Editors shall be appointed for a three year term by the Executive Committee in consultation with the previous editors and shall be voting members thereof.

Section 3:

The Executive Committee shall have the authority to fill any vacancy other than the Presidency, when necessary.

Section 4:
The Executive Committee shall retain ultimate responsibility for the work of the association and shall make policy and ad-hoc decisions, as needed, when the full membership is not in session (e.g. other than at the annual meetings), and in accordance with Constitutional guidelines.

Section 5:

The duties of each officer shall be as follows:

  1. President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of ACA and of the Executive Committee; to appoint committees and committee chairpersons with the approval of the Executive Committee; to serve as a liaison between ACA and all related organizations; to approve financial expenditures; to serve as ex-officio member of all standing committees; to attend Southern States Communication Association’s annual conference; to chair the ACA Outstanding Teaching Award Committee; and to perform other duties usually attached to the office of President, including supervision of the annual nomination and election process.
  2. Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to plan the program for the annual convention; to prepare and distribute the convention’s call for papers; to coordinate with the conference host in planning activities; to assist in recruiting new members; to attend the Southern States Communication Association’s annual conference; and to assist the President.
  3. Vice President-Elect: It shall be the duty of the Vice President-Elect to assist the President and Vice President in planning and promoting the activities and interests of the Association as needed or requested.
  4. Executive Director: It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to receive and disburse funds, to prepare periodic reports on the financial condition of ACA, to perform other duties usually attached to the office of Executive Director, and to act at the request of the President and/or Executive Committee. When membership dues are received, the Executive Director will supply the information to the Secretary for the membership mailing list. It shall also be the responsibility of the Executive Director to attend the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association. At the conclusion of the term of office, the Executive Director shall turn over to the Executive Council, all property, books, papers and money of the Association.
  5. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep minutes of each annual business meeting for approval at the next; to post minutes to the business meeting on the ACA website; to maintain a list of membership records, including the ACA mailing list; to send periodic communications to the membership; to perform other duties usually attached to the office of Secretary; and to act at the request of the President and/or Executive Committee. It shall also be the responsibility of the Secretary to attend the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, and to schedule an ACA Executive Committee meeting annually at the SSCA conference.
  6. Immediate Past President: It shall be the duty of the Immediate Past President to serve as an ambassador to and promote the goals of the ACA; to assist the President in his/her duties; to attend the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association; and to chair the Nominating Committee.
  7. Journal Editors: It shall be the duty of the Journal Editors to produce and distribute the online journals of the ACA, including updating the journal websites and distributing the material to online databases where appropriate. The Journal Editors will also update the ACA website when necessary. The Editor shall also attend the annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association.

ARTICLE V: Nominations and Elections

Section 1.

The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President of the Association, as chair, and two other members appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. All members shall serve for one year and shall not be eligible for any office to be considered by that committee.

Section 2.

A slate of nominees for offices open to election and re-election shall be made by the Nominating Committee. Any member of the association may submit electronic nominations to the association by contracting any member of the Executive Committee or Nominating Committee at least one month prior to the annual convention. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall submit the slate of nominees to the Executive Committee prior to the annual convention.

Section 3.

The Secretary will present the slate of nominees for offices open to election and re-election at the annual business meeting. Additional nominations for those offices will be taken from the floor.

Section 4.

Voting for officers of the Association shall take place at the business meeting of the Annual Conference.

Section 5.

A plurality of those voting at the annual conference shall be required to elect any officer.

ARTICLE VI: Amendments.

Section 1:

Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-laws may be initiated by a majority of the Executive Committee or by a petition submitted to the President by any ten members of ACA.

Section 2:

All proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for its consideration. If the executive committee approves the proposed amendment, then it must be submitted within thirty days of endorsement to a vote by mail of the membership. If the Executive Committee rejects the proposed amendment, then the President must submit the matter at the next business meeting of ACA. If a majority of those present and voting at the ACA meeting endorses the proposed amendment, then it must be submitted to a vote by mail of the membership within 30 days.

Section 3:

Final action on an amendment shall be taken by sending a ballot to active members of the ACA. A two-thirds majority of those voting shall be required for adoption of the amendment.

Section 4:

Amendments shall take effect immediately following their adoption.

ARTICLE VII: Committees and Appointed Officers

Section 1.

Standing committees include the Executive Committee, the Nominating Committee, and the Awards Committee. Ad-Hoc committees and other appointed positions may be created by the Executive Committee when deemed necessary and shall exercise powers and make recommendations to the Executive Committee as authorized.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall exercise their responsibilities as described in Article IV of the Constitution.

Section 3.

The Nominating Committee shall exercise their responsibilities as described in Article V of the Constitution.

Section 4.

The ACA Award for Outstanding Teaching Committee shall solicit nominees for the award, evaluate them based on criteria established by the Association, and designate a recipient or recipients, unless none of the nominees meets the criteria. The ACA Award for Oustanding Teaching Committee shall consist of the ACA President as chair, and two other members appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. All members shall serve for one year and shall not be eligible for the award.


Article I: Dues.

Section 1:

There shall be two classes of membership in ACA: student and regular. Annual dues for all membership categories shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The ACA membership year runs from January 1 to December 31.

Section 2:

Undergraduate and graduate students may be admitted to student membership.

Section 3:

Any other person or full time faculty member may be admitted to regular membership.

Article II: Meetings and Conferences.

Section 1:

The ACA shall hold an annual Conference each summer at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Committee. In addition to instructional and research programs, a business meeting of all members shall be held at each conference. Additional business meetings may be called by the Executive Committee.

Section 2:

Annual meeting costs for student and regular/faculty members shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

Article II: Quorum.

Section 1:

A quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be a simple majority of its voting membership.

Section 2:

A quorum at any business meeting of ACA shall be those members attending.

Article III: Amendments.

Amendments to these by-laws shall be through the process described in Article VI of the Constitution.